2024 Scientific Conference
Dear Colleagues,
We have the pleasure to inform you that on Friday, Oct. 4th and Saturday, Oct. 5th, 2024, the Department of Russian and Slavic Philology of the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, under the aegis of the Association of Slavic Studies, will organize the 12th edition of the international symposium Romanian Slavic Studies and Dialogue of Cultures.
The first day will be with physical presence at our faculty, the second day online as well. You are expected to arrive in Bucharest on Thursday, October 3rd.
The following topics of debates are welcome, but other topics are also accepted.
The study of Slavic languages and cultures in Europe and other parts of the world
Perspectives and challenges in linguistics
New methods and approaches of literary phenomena
Imagologic structures
Translations and inter-cultural communication
Teaching foreign languages in the digital era
A special session will be dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of the Czech lectorate and 80th anniversary of the Slovak lectorate at the University of Bucharest.
The languages of the symposium are: Romanian, all the Slavic languages, English and French.
You are hereby invited to participate in this important scientific and cultural event of our academic community. The participation fee is € 15 (70 RON), partially covering the costs of organizing the conference and publishing the contributions in Romanoslavica, after peer review evaluation.
As in the previous years, we are committed to identify the possibility of free accommodation in the guest house Gaudeamus, of the University of Bucharest. This detail will be communicated in due time.
For registration, please use the attached form (in Romanian or English), it should be sent by September 15th, 2024 at the latest to:
For the session dedicated to the anniversary of the lectorates of Czech and Slovak, please send your registration forms to:
sorin.paliga@lls.unibuc.ro (Sorin Paliga)
felicia.luta@lls.unibuc.ro (Felicia Luță)
On behalf of the organizing committee
Prof. PhD. Axinia Crasovschi
Head of the Department of Russian and Slavic Philology
Prof. Habil. PhD. Antoaneta Olteanu
Chair of the Romanian Association of Slavic Studies
Invitation to the symposium
Registration form
Conference Schedule